Community Programs

Community Programs

Support and educate families and community partners with meaningful dementia-related programs.
Each session is 60 minutes in duration.
  • How to have a meaningful visit:  Gain skills that will help family and friends spend valuable time with a loved one with memory loss
  • Home safe home: Explore strategies to adapt the home environment to be safe and dementia-friendly
  • Viewing family caregiving through a spiritual lens: Consider how the act of caregiving may develop inner strength, resilience and spiritual growth in previously unknown ways
  • Create comfort and meaning at end-of-life: Describe and plan how the dying process can be elevated to a more comfortable and sacred experience
  • Care for the Caregiver: Understand stress-filled triggers and strategies to prevent caregiving fatigue
  • Addressing family conflict: Identify common sources of family conflict and intervening strategies
  • Dying Matters: Review advance planning strategies to honor a person’s end-of-life wishes including the POLST form (Provider Options for Life Sustaining Treatment). Initiate your own advance care plan using 5 Wishes

Programs offered in Chicago and Cook County

Call today 773-704-1834 to discuss more package information or related out of state programs.