Dementia Coach On-Call

Dementia Coach On-Call

Support provided by phone or conference call

Family Caregivers

CALL for:
  • Practical Education
  • Communication Challenges
  • Resistance to care
  • Anger, Apathy, Home Safety, Caregiver Stress, and more
    45 Minute on call coaching sessions

Health Care Provider

Jeannine Forrest, Ph.D., R.N help your staff learn to think more critically and systematically when challenged by:

  • Agitation
  • Wandering
  • Weight loss
  • Pain
  • Sudden decline
  • Frequent falls
  • End-of-life concerns…and more
     45 Minute coaching sessions

Medical Disclaimer:

No HIPAA worries – No names or identifying information shared about patient/resident.

Privacy protected. No identifying information shared about your loved one

The information provided by Dementia Coach On-Call is not intended to take the place of specific recommendations and treatment by your personal health care practitioner. Be sure to consult with your personal providers.